Titel presentatie:

Experiences of a first generation trivalent hard chrome process

Korte toelichting presentatie:

The success of hard chrome plating since the 1920s is of course unquestioned. However, with the latest legislations restricting the use of hexavalent chromium substances is there finally a functional trichrome process that can replace it? This paper will show details and experiences of a first generation trivalent hard chrome process and its status with respect to replacing the hexavalent hard chrome process we know today.

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mr. Neil Patton
Global Product Manager Functional Chrome, Atotech Deutschland

Informatie spreker:

Neil Patton has worked for most of his career in Atotech after graduating with an honours degree in Chemistry from Birmingham University, UK in 1992. Neil started at Atotech's instrumental analytical laboratory in the UK and has held several positions, which have included; Technical Sales Engineer, Product Manager and Marketing Manager, in both of Atotech's main business units of Electronics and General Metal Finishing . He moved to Atotech's headquarters in Berlin, Germany in 2002 to take up a worldwide Product Manager position. He has published several papers and held several seminars related to printed circuit board production and Functional Chrome plating and associated technologies. Neil is currently the Global Product Manager for Functional Chrome for Atotech's central Business Technology Team and a Key Account Manager.