In 1996 the first edition of the "Practical recommandations to reduce the potential for filiform corrosion (FFC)" was issued. A lot has changed in the meantime, but FFC still occurs (too much). Reason for the policy group to come up with a third and updated edition of these practical recommendations.
Filiform corrosion is a thread-like form of corrosion that mainly occurs on painted aluminum. The phenomenon starts from places where there is no or insufficient lacquer, such as saw edges, punch holes, damage and from sharp edges with insufficient edge coverage. By carrying out the various (process) steps mentioned in the practical recommendations with great accuracy, the risk of filiform corrosion can be minimized.
In order to provide the market with the updated and widely supported practical recommendations, Vereniging ION wants to contribute to reducing this form of corrosion. You will find the new practice recommendations on the right-hand side of this page and under downloads.